Walking By Faith Journal

Which flag am I flying?red flag

The lesson today is entitled “Abiding by Passenger Protocol”.  This morning I have lingered over the question, “Which flag flies most often over my living–the red flag of resistance or the white flag of surrender?”  We have a familiar saying when our intuition has sensed that something just isn’t right.  We will say about that situation, “That raises a red flag for me”.  

Spiritually, when I am discontent, disquieted rather than quieted about a circumstance, chaffing and frustrated, wanting to change things faster than white flagthey are changing–the red flag of resistance has been raised!  At that moment, I am under the delusion that I am in control and will resist the way things really are to work them into the way I think I want them to be!  That is not Passenger Protocol–that is Pilot Protocol!  It is at times like these that I want to remember who the Pilot of my life is and lower the red flag of resistance in favor of the restful freedom of the white flag of surrender.

All to Jesus I surrender
All to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust Him,
In his presence daily live.

I surrender all, I surrender all;
All to thee, my blessed Savior,
I surrender all.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Humbly at His feet I bow,
Worldly pleasures all forsaken,
Take me Jesus, take me now.

I surrender all, I surrender all;
All to thee, my blessed Savior,
I surrender all.

Course of Thorns

thorns_on_greenIn the lesson entitled “Charting a Course Through Thorns“  Jennifer Rothschild uncovers a biblical truth that is the most reassuring, stabilizing, hope filled truth in Scripture.  As she handles the question of the thorns in our lives, she states,

Remember that you know and are known by the sovereign God who is in control of every part of creation.  He sees when the sparrow falls.  He knows the thorns that bring you pain.  God is able to use evil people and evil acts to accomplish His glory and our good.  God is in control of Satan and his actions; Satan can never act outside the limits God sets.”

thorns Interestingly, when this truth first hits our understanding we are inclined to balk and want to refuse it.  After all, it is more than a little unsettling to think of God in charge of thorns in our lives!  Jennifer was questioned about this teaching by a woman taking the study and she used her blog on June 29th to amplify what she has found in Scripture regarding this biblical truth.

Over the years, I have often encountered questions on the topic of God’s sovereignty and I have come to the conclusion that it is more than a little unsettling to think of God not in charge of the thorns in my life!  The question of the extent of His control has pressed me to consider what would it mean if God is not sovereign?  It seems to me it would mean that I was left to my own devices.  I would be an orphan cast out to fend for myself.  It would mean a life controlled by fear, insecurity, purposelessness, nothing that I did or that happened to me would have any ultimate meaning.

If God is not sovereign over all then what or who is?  If I reject His sovereignty does that make me in charge?  If I am in charge how would I explain when bad things happen?  Would I then have to say when things went awry evil is in charge of the universe?  If Satan ends up not under God’s control but co-equal to Him then he is free to do his worst and we are much to be pitied!  If I am in charge, that is if my will or my ability to make choices is something that God bows to and leaves inviolate then He is not God–I am–doesn’t  that thought make you shutter?

In the end, it is when I encounter the cross that my musings are silenced. It is in surveying that event  that the truth about who crossor what is in control is finally put to rest.  I ponder Satan’s efforts and watch him fling all the power he possesses against God– seeking to thwart God’s plan to save the world from evil.  I look at my Savior and weigh His suffering as Satan was allowed to do his worst.   It was there at that same cross that God was simultaneously using Satan’s evil as a vehicle to accomplish the greatest good!  When you look to the cross who do you say is in control of all things?

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.?  (John 16:33)

High Esteem

mood-faces2In Day Four of the study, Jennifer Rothschild is hammering home the point that our feelings are not reliable guides in life.   When I think of the many moods of any one my days I know she has hit the nail on the head in this lesson.  The principle that I want to hold onto from this lesson is:

What we hold in high esteem will eventually govern us, but what we hold in low esteem, we will govern.

The encouragement not to bow to feelings but to enlist God’s grace to have them bow to His Word was faith strengthening this morning.  I am reminded once again that feelings are real but they are not always in line with reality!  I often say to my kids, “Just because you think a thought does not make it true!”

O, Taste and See…

This morning in Day Three of the “Walking By Faith” study we were encouraged to consider that God invites us to taste and see that the LORD is breadgood“.

Tasting often begins by thinking about what we are hungry for. I know myself well enough to know that thinking about tasting is not the same as tasting! Could it be that our experience of God is flat and unsatisfying because we never go further than just thinking about Him.

Tasting is defined as becoming acquainted with by experience–it is an engaging of the senses and ingesting in order to answer a craving. To identify a food craving I consider–am I hungry for salty or sweet, is this gnawing just a desire to snack or am I ready for meat and potatoes? If my heart gets set on cheese cake — an apple is a huge disappointment and does not satisfy! cheesecake

Substitutes just don’t cut it! Isn’t it wonderful to think that we were created by God with soul craving, appetites that only He can satisfy? While I try to satisfy my craving with other things, the disappointment I feel is evidence that I am trying to substitute!

Just like Nutra Sweet is not the real thing–but is a diminutive experience that approximates but does not meet the standard of the real thing–trying to answer my soul hunger with God’s gifts rather than meeting and feeding on God misses the mark. Isn’t it wonderful to know that as we taste His goodness it not only delights our hungry heart but nourishes us for the journey of living?

Lord, today–increase my appetite for you. Let me know by experience that you are the bread of life–the staple food. Don’t allow my taste buds to become accustomed to artificial substitutes–give me a craving for the Real Food that is you! Amen

Walking By Faith Study

“These all died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth.” (Hebrews 11:13)

This week I am beginning to work through the Jennifer Rothschild Bible Study entitled “Walking by Faith”. My heart is smiling as Walking By FaithI consider the implications of following a blind woman in a walk! I suspect this servant of the Lord who has learned to walk by faith not by sight in two realms has much to teach me! “Walking by faith means taking a risk…” Jennifer said. I guess from our perspective it seems like a risky lifestyle, but how could it be risky to entrust your life to an all powerful, all knowing, perfectly loving God? It seems more risky not to walk by faith!