December 23, 2003
Dearest Friend,
Mike and I will spend this anniversary opening our home to the mamas and children. I have made punch with soda and fruit juice and have two kinds of homemade cookies to offer. I reduced the sugar in the cookies since the mamas think we mzungus make things sickeningly sweet. The mamas really have a heart to teach the children manners and want them to have the opportunity of visiting and learning how to act in other’s homes. Some mamas teach the children to bow before each adult and extend their hands for a hand shake.
Each is reminded that greeting is very important so I will greet each child at the door with proper attention and linger long enough over each one so they can “find their words.” This will be so fun! Yesterday, we had our own little Christmas pageant and I videotaped it. The children thought it was like any other camera and ignored me pointing it at them. I want to show them the video at the party–it will be the first time they have seen a TV and the first time they will see themselves on screen. It should be fun. Mike will get the guitar out and we will sing and praise and pray together while they are here. This is the Christmas spirit here in Africa!
The children have been so excited since we began decorating. There are cedar here and the people climb them and cut out a branch to serve as the tree. It is traditional to decorate on Christmas Eve and the trees are covered with balloons, cotton balls, sweeties and Christmas cards.
This year we started a little earlier with the decorating, Pastor Fred allowed us to cut three trees from the cedar at his place. I provided each cottage with a string of lights which was a huge and unexpected treat . What joy there is in making Christmas for others. I have wrapped each child a “new” t-shirt and have a small matchbox car for the boys and something special for the girls too.
I have been fed by Luke’s account of our Lord’s birth more than I can say. We are blessed that our Savior did not stay far off–that He came near–Immanuel!
In Christ,